1851-O $20.00 NGC AU53

While certainly not a "rare"coin in this grade, it has become quite challenging to locate an AU50-55 example of the 1851-O (or the 1852-O, for that matter) that has good overall eye appeal. I like the present example quite a bit for the grade on account of its pleasing orange-gold and reddish color and abundant remaining luster. In fact, this piece has the skin and body of an AU55 but it is just a hair too abraded to accurately encapsulate as such. There is a scrape (from contact with another coin) on Libery's hair below star eight on the obverse as well as some other scatterered signs of contact; the reverse is clean and choice. This piece is from an early state of the dies with full stars on the obverse and good detail seen at the centers. In any grade higher than this, you are looking at a low five-figure expenditure, making a choice AU53 example like this the "sweet spot" for many collectors.