SOLD – $5.00 – 1847-D PCGS EF40 CAC
SOLD – $5.00 – 1847-D PCGS EF40 CAC
Serial Number 8234.40/60053754
PCGS Lookup Number 8234
The 1847-D is a common date in the half eagle series but it is undervalued in higher grades. It gets virtually no premium above issues such as the 1852-D, 1853-D and 1854-D in lower grades but it is far harder to find, especially with original color and surfaces.
This is a choice example with natural greenish-gold color. There is a good degree of dirt seen in the recesses of the obverse and the reverse. A small scrape below the chin of Liberty is the only notable mark.
Regardless of date, Dahlonega half eagles of this quality are very hard to find and this piece is perfect for the collector who specializes in choice, original EF-AU pieces.
CAC has approved two in this grade with 10 finer.