JUST ADDED - $5.00 - 1838-D PCGS EF45

Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.
Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.
Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.
Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.
Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.
Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.
Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.
Half Eagle. 1838-D Dahlonega $5 gold coin. PCGS EF45.

JUST ADDED - $5.00 - 1838-D PCGS EF45


Grade…….PCGS EF45
PCGS Price Guide.…………18500
Population (PCGS).….……..45/102
Population (NGC)….…..……N/A
Serial Number……8216.60/46886571
PCGS Lookup Number.…….8216

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By virtue of its status as the very first coin made at the newly-opened Dahlonega mint (as well as its being a distinct one-year type), the 1838-D is one of the most popular issues ever struck at this facility. It is overvalued when compared to other half eagles from this mint, but it is so popular that this inflated valuation is totally justifiable.

This piece has a good overall look with some mint luster still adhering to the recesses and good detail. In my opinion, this coin is significantly better than the PCGS EF45 that I just sold to another dealer for $18,000.

There have been only two auction sales for the 1838-D five dollar in PCGS EF45 since 2017, and both were CAC approved; one sold for $21,000 in September 2023, while the other brought $22,200 in May 2022. Neither of these were choice.

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